Samsung SolarCell Remote
 A toy monkey’s journey on a solar-powered life.

Samsung introduced the SolarCell Remote — a TV remote that’s completely powered by light. 
A first of its kind, this is an innovation that could save the world from millions of batteries.

To introduce the remote to the world, we told a charming story of a battery-operated toy monkey who dreams of being powered by light. He sets out on his own eco journey and does his part to make the world a better place. A reflection of how we can all take small steps towards a greener future.

Working closely with director and puppeteer duo, Adeena Grubb and Andy Biddle, a toy monkey puppet was created. With an unlimited source of light energy, it journeyed across London - from the living room all the way to the forest.

Design & Prototype
We handmade a miniature felt monkey and added nuanced design details before creating.
Expressions & Movements
Developing a range of 9 expressions for our monkey and practicing its movements in actual locations.
Real World Shoot
Instead of building sets, we wanted our toy monkey to live in the real world and interact with its surroundings.
Finally, we removed the puppeteering rods and added a whimsical quality to the film via grading and music composition.

14+ million views in two weeks / Adopted by 13 markets including US, UK & Mexico / Rated Most Innovative Ad on Adforum (Sep 2021)  14+ million views in two weeks / Adopted by 13 markets including US, UK & Mexico / Rated Most Innovative Ad on Adforum (Sep 2021)